雄峙于山东省中部,主峰海拔1 545米的泰山自古以来就受到中国人的景仰。它享有“五岳之首”、“五岳独尊”的称誉。历史上泰山是政权的象征,是一座神圣的山。

游客2023-08-08  27

问题     雄峙于山东省中部,主峰海拔1 545米的泰山自古以来就受到中国人的景仰。它享有“五岳之首”、“五岳独尊”的称誉。历史上泰山是政权的象征,是一座神圣的山。古代帝王登基之初或逢太平之岁,都要来泰山举行封禅大典,祭告天地。先秦时期先后有72代君王到泰山封禅;自秦汉到明清,历代皇帝到泰山封禅也多达27次。这为泰山留下了其他山所不及的丰富历史文化印迹。众多文人墨客也到这里来寻找灵感,吟诗作句、写文作画、摄影创作。因此,泰山上留下了大量的文化遗迹。


答案     Since ancient times, Mount Tai, with its main peak rising 1 545 meters above the sea level, in central Shandong Province, has been a mountain held in high esteem by the Chinese people. It is known as the "First of the Five Sacred Mountains". Mount Tai was always the symbol of monarchy in history. It was a sacred mountain to the kings and emperors, who would all came to offer their Fengshan Sacrifice ceremony, a gratitude to the heaven and earth the moment they assumed the crown or in the year of peace and abundant harvest. Before Qin Dynasty altogether 72 kings or emperors had their Fengshan ceremonies at Mount Tai, and from Qin and Han Dynasties to Ming and Qing Dynasties emperors of all times had 27 such worship ceremonies at this mountain. As the only one of the mountains in China that enjoyed this honor from the emperors, Mount Tai is naturally rich with historical and cultural traces. Numerous literati also came to acquire inspiration, to compose poems, write essays, paint and take pictures. Hence a great many cultural relics were left on the mountain.
