[originaltext] An application, or app, developed by researchers at the Unive

游客2023-08-04  22

An application, or app, developed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, has recorded nearly 400 earthquakes since it was launched in February this year.
    The app, called MyShake, runs in the background on smartphones with the Android operating system, uses a device’s motion detectors to measure ground motion, and then sends that data back to the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory for analysis.
    Designed to build a worldwide network of smartphone earthquake detectors, the eventual goal of the researchers is to send early-warning alerts to users a bit farther from ground zero, giving them seconds to a minute of warning that the ground will start shaking and prompting them to take cover or switch off equipment.
    As of this week, when an updated version of the MyShake is available for download, nearly 220000 people have downloaded the app, and at any one time, between 8000 and 10000 phones are active, namely turned on, lying on a horizontal surface and connected to a WiFi network, and thus primed to respond.
    The updated app provides an option for push notifications of recent quakes within a distance determined by the user. "The notifications will not be fast initially, not fast enough for early warning, but it puts into place the technology to deliver the alerts and we can then work towards making them faster and faster as we improve our real-time detection system within MyShake, " said project leader Richard Allen.
    Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.
    9. What is this passage mainly about?
    10. What is the researchers’ ultimate purpose of designing MyShake?
    11. How will MyShake improve in the future?

选项 A、To give warnings of earthquakes to those who live in faraway regions.
B、To alert users a bit farther from ground zero of coming earthquakes.
C、To give people enough time to escape before an earthquake strikes.
D、To build a worldwide network of smartphone earthquake detectors.

答案 B

解析 原文中提到,这款应用旨在建立一个全球智能手机地震探测网络,而研究者的最终目的是为那些距离原爆点较远的用户发送预瞽,这样他们就可以在地面开始晃动之前有数秒钟乃至一分钟的时间隐蔽起来或关闭设备。因此答案为B。