What the passage tells us can be summarized by the statement that ______. [br] I

游客2023-08-03  12

问题 What the passage tells us can be summarized by the statement that ______. [br] Intermarriage and different occupations play an important role in family disorganization because ______.

选项 A、they enable the children to travel around without their parents
B、they allow one to find a good job and improve one’s social status
C、they permit one to come into contact with different ways of behavior and thinking
D、they enable the children to better understand the ways of behavior of their parents

答案 C

解析 事实细节题。题干中的Intermarriage and different occupations出现在第四段最后一句。这句话中的allows...和and tends to...是两个并列的谓语,而且暗含着因果关系一正因为从事不同的职业和联姻al lows one to come in contact with ways of behavior different..,才导致了父母和孩子的分开。选项C是对"allows..."这个分句的同义转述,符合题干要求。