It’s a general belief that a child’s later character and personality is ______ d

游客2023-08-02  23

问题 It’s a general belief that a child’s later character and personality is ______ decided by his early experiences both at home and in school. [br] It can be seen from the passage that ______.

选项 A、the cultural pattern is the single factor that affects a child’s upbringing in the home
B、by no means does the technological development of a community contribute to the development of children’s character
C、there are advisable rules for parents to go by in bringing up their children
D、upbringing and education are mutually complementary

答案 D

解析 本题考查考生的推理能力。这一类题无法从题干中得出一个明确的答案,要从各选项着手,判断应选哪一项。通常涵盖原文,需要在浏览全文的基础上,仔细地有针对性地精读,并做出判断。A项认为文化模式是影响孩子在家庭中成长的唯一因素。而文中第三段段首就指出孩子的成长受文化模式和父母的能力及他们的目标的影响。因此A项不准确。B项认为社会的技术发展不能帮助孩子们发展性格,而文中第二段提到在技术发达的社会,童年时代和青春期更长,这导致有更多的教育机会并能更加多样化地发展性格。显然D项与原文不符。C项认为对于父母抚养孩子方面有建议性的规则。而文中第五段明确指出在这方面并没有固定的规则。因此C项不正确。D项认为成长和教育是互补的,这与文中第一段末尾所述“成长和教育是相互依较的”意思相近,因此D项是对的。