Recurrence rates of earthquakes can help predict future quakes because ______. [

游客2023-08-01  14

问题 Recurrence rates of earthquakes can help predict future quakes because ______. [br] A disadvantage of fluid measuring is that ______.

选项 A、fluid saturation of rocks can be caused by changes other than strain
B、present scientific instruments are not able to provide precise measurement
C、the electrical properties of the rock itself also change, the fluid capacity of rocks
D、fractures in these rocks are often so serious that accurate measurement is impossible

答案 A

解析 由题干中的disadvantage of fluid measuring可以定位到原文第三段末尾However,similar changes in the fluid-bearing capacity of rock can occur as a result of other factors such as changes in the water table, and therefore this technique is not entirely reliable.[精析] 推理判断题[考频:66]。原文第三段结尾由however引导的句子说“其他因素也会导致石头含水量的变化,比如地下水位的变化。因此这种预测办法也不是完全可靠的”。由此可以推知,不可靠就是这种液体测量办法的缺陷,其原因就是岩石的液体饱和度也可能是由非压力因素造成的。A)与之相符,为正确答案。[避错] B)“现有的科技设备不能提供精确的测量”与原文“这些变化能够被测量出来并且提供有用的数据”相悖,排除,C)“岩石本身的导电性也影响岩石含水量”在原文没有提及,可排除;D)“岩石上的裂缝很大并很难得到精确测量”与原文“岩石会产生小的裂痕……这些变化能够被测量出来并只提供有用的数据”矛盾,故排除。