What aspect of the journalism does "deadlines hardly exist any more" (Lines 3 -4

游客2023-07-31  18

问题 What aspect of the journalism does "deadlines hardly exist any more" (Lines 3 -4, Par& 1) refer to? [br] The Simpson trial is taken as an example to show ______.

选项 A、the focus of news has been changed into the seeking of sensation
B、people take less notice to coverage about scandals
C、the extensive coverage has a lot of negative effects
D、people are often cheated by the inaccurate news

答案 A

解析 由题干中的The Simpson trial定位到原文第二段第二句There’s been a push away from substance... people get drawn in by the celebrity.[精析] 题干问的是作者引用Simpson trial来说明什么。由原文定位句可推知Simpson trial为其上文所列举的一个实例,故其上文There’s been a push away from substance and towards sensationalism也即“人们从事情的本来面目转向了轰动效应”为其所指,进而推断A)“新闻的核心转变成了对轰动效应的追求”正确。[排除干扰] 举例只是为了论证第二段第一句话,而非为了说明B)“人们很少注意丑闻的覆盖范围”、C)“大范围有不利影响”、D)“人们总是被不真实的新闻欺骗”三项。