What aspect of the journalism does "deadlines hardly exist any more" (Lines 3 -4

游客2023-07-31  12

问题 What aspect of the journalism does "deadlines hardly exist any more" (Lines 3 -4, Par& 1) refer to? [br] The word "sensationalism" (Para. 2) is similar in meaning to ______.

选项 A、public appetite for scandal
B、essential part of coverage sensationalism
C、extensive coverage
D、coarsening of culture

答案 A

解析 由题干中的sensationalism定位到原文第二段第二句There’s been a push away from substance and towards sensationalism...[精析] 题干问的是sensationalism一词的含义。根据其在原文中上文Take the role scandal has played in the media for example.可推知与the role scandal has played in the media有关,故A)“公众对流言蜚语的癖好”与之相符,为正确答案。[排除干扰] 由关键句可知sensationalism应与substance并列且意思相对,所以A)“报道的本质部分”,C)“广泛的报道”排除;D)“文化的粗鲁化”是其导致的结果,也排除。