Children’s museums in America are delivering a report card to be envied.

游客2023-07-30  14

问题     Children’s museums in America are delivering a report card to be envied.
    Since 1990, estimated I00 youth museums have opened, with at least 80 more in the planning phase. There are now 215 such institutions in the United States focusing on a variety of themes and subjects, although many are mainly designed for science popularization.
    "Children’s museums are the fastest-growing cultural institutions in the world," says Janet Rice Elman, executive director of the Association of Youth Museums in the US. "That trend will continue as we see more communities wanting to start up children’s museums to enrich civic (公民的) and family life."
    With the availability of these new facilities, attendance has sky-rocketed, in 1991, 8 million people visited US children’s museums; last year, 33 million people went through their doors.
    This cheerful picture is part of a comprehensive look at children’s museums released last week by the association during its annual conference in St. Louis.
    The growth can be traced to the nation’s rising number of children, the push to foster learning from a variety of approaches, and the increasing popularity of museums in general.
    Children’s museums are a favorite destination for groups of school children on school-organized "field trips". During these days outside the classroom, students have the chance to learn about a range of topics in a fun, hands-on way.
    Students visiting a children’s museum can see exhibits on anything from natural history to anatomy (解剖学) to astronomy (天文学). The museums focus on interactive learning, with games and demonstrations designed to help kids learn without realizing they’re doing so.
    The museums are also a popular destination for families, allowing parents to become more involved in their kids’ education and give parents and children a chance to have fun together. [br] How many children’s museums have been set up in America in the past 15 years?

选项 A、About 100.
B、Less than 80.
C、Over 180.
D、Altogether 215.

答案 A

解析 此题问在过去的15年中,在美国建立了多少个儿童展览馆。根据第二段第一句“Since 1990,estimated 100 youth museums have opened,with at least 80 more in the planning phase.”可以看出,A项是答案。B项的80所是正在筹划中的;C项的180所是将未建成的计算在内;D项的215所是目前总的数字。