When an icon (偶像) lasts for more than a century, there is a reason. But what

游客2023-07-29  23

问题     When an icon (偶像) lasts for more than a century, there is a reason. But what is it about the teddy bear that makes it a lasting symbol in our society? Trends experts say that when an icon is rooted in reality, when people grow to love it, and when it represents something larger, it tends to last.
    America’s affair with the teddy bear began in the fall of 1902 when then-President Theodore Roosevelt went on a bear-hunting trip in the South. He had no luck till the fifth day when he spotted a bear and raised his rifle to shoot--then lowered it when he saw a baby bear in the line of fire, eating honey from its paws. Roosevelt is reputed to have said, "I don’t shoot baby bears." Another story is Roosevelt’s refusing to shoot a wounded bear.
    Washington Post cartoonist Clifford Berryman depicted the bear incidents and began using bears in many political cartoons on many subjects. Soon toy and novelty makers started creating the bears in a wide variety of styles. Quickly the Roosevelt bear became the teddy bear-and everyone had one. A president’s hunting trip became the catalyst (催化剂) for an industry that spans the Western world. Today, all estimated 2.5 million Americans collect teddy bears.
    "People tend to anthropomorphize (拟人化) teddy bears," says trends expert Marita Wesely-Clough. "Bears seem to have a personality that is safe, comforting and cuddly (值得搂抱的). Little boys are allowed to love and cuddle bears, where they have been culturally conditioned not to play with dolls. Children tend to keep their teddy bears, and if they don’t, their mothers do."
    The teddy bear is a social and cultural leveler that passes national and economic boundaries. The teddy bear icon won’t diminish or go away because it represents love, friendship, care, and comfort--a feeling of home away from home, says Wesely-Clough.     "The teddy bear is a socially acceptable security blanket that transcends gender, age and nationality," she says.
    People imagine that teddy bears inhabit an idealized world without danger or meanness to which we would like to escape, especially during tense or stressful times.
    "Bears are popular on greeting cards not only because they are familiar and friendly, but also because people can express through teddy bears what they might not be able to say for themselves," Wesely-Clough says.
    On cards for children, for political statements, for expressing loneliness, the teddy bear has been there for nearly nine decades of greeting cards--harmless, safe and familiar. [br] Which of the following is NOT the benefit brought by teddy bears according to the author?

选项 A、Eliminating inequality among people of different background.
B、Providing a cozy home to those who long for it.
C、Taking people’ s mind temporarily off the danger and meanness of the modem world.
D、Helping people better express themselves in writing greeting cards.

答案 B

解析 题目问:哪个选项不属于teddy bear给人带来的好处。可以用排除法。A项“消除来自不同背景的人与人之间的不平等”符合文章第五段第一句的意思,C项“使人们暂时忘记现实中的危险和卑劣”符合第七段的意思,D项“帮人们在写贺卡时更好地表达意思”符合第八段的意思。只有B项“给那些渴望家的人提供一个舒适的家”与文章信息不符。因此,正确答案是B项。