[originaltext]W: The Italian opera to be performed by College of Music faculty

游客2023-07-29  12

W: The Italian opera to be performed by College of Music faculty and students on Saturday has been cancelled due to lack of interest.
M: What do you mean?
Q: What can we conclude about the opera?

选项 A、The opera will not be performed.
B、All the tickets for the opera were sold.
C、They are going to watch the opera.
D、They don’t have much interest in the opera.

答案 A

解析 对话中明确提到,由于感兴趣者寥寥,原定于星期六上演的歌剧取消了,也就是不演了。至于讲话人是否感兴趣等,对话中并未提及,所以正确答案应当是A。