[originaltext]W: Have you found a job yet?M: No, and I’m getting discouraged.

游客2023-07-28  20

W: Have you found a job yet?
M: No, and I’m getting discouraged. I went to the job market yesterday, but no one was really interested in hiring an English major.
W: I know what you mean. I was told by many of the companies there that they are looking for people with other skills. Fortunately, I am good at computing. I think I have a job lined up.
M: Tell me about it.
W: The first people I talked to said they were very interested in me, because I am familiar with Word Perfect. When they interviewed me, I was able to speak English better than the boss and he was very impressed with my combination of skills.
M: I was hoping to find a sales job with an import-export company.
W: You’d be good at that kind of job. Your English is very good. My older brother works for a Chinese American joint venture in Guangzhou and he is doing very well. He wanted me to go down there and work with him, but I think I would rather take this job here. If you would like, I will call him and ask him to help you find a job there.
M: I would really appreciate that. I know several of our classmates have found jobs there. It’s a long way from home, but I hear the pay is good there. Thank you for your help.
W: Don’ t mention it.

选项 A、Because he was not interested in any job in the market.
B、Because he is not skillful at computing.
C、Because he is an English major.
D、Because the companies in the job market were looking for people good at English speaking.

答案 C
