[originaltext]W: What has happened? It’s not like Bob to be late.M: I am worry

游客2023-07-28  12

W: What has happened? It’s not like Bob to be late.
M: I am worrying, too. He said he would be here at 9:15. Now it’s 10:45.
Q: What do you know about Bob from the conversation?
M: It’s so crowded here. I want to go out for a breath of fresh air. Well, the smoking section looks so empty!
W: Oh, dear, you can find a better excuse!
Q: What does the man want to do?

选项 A、He wants to find an empty room.
B、He wants to take some fresh air.
C、He wants to stay away from the crowd.
D、He wants to smoke.

答案 D
