Make a Mummy Tomb Introduction Ancient Egyptians be
Make a Mummy Tomb Introduction Ancient Egyptians be
Make a Mummy Tomb
Ancient Egyptians believed in life after death. Wealthy Egyptians made careful preparations for their dead by mummifying their bodies and providing them with tombs supplied with equipment, food, clothing, ornaments, furniture, statues of gods, and workers -- everything they would need in their new lives.
Make a replica of an Egyptian tomb complete with a mummy case, wall paintings, and treasures for fun or as a group project. Or choose to make just one tomb treasure or a wall painting. Each part of this Try This! is a project in itself.
Before you begin, consult books about ancient Egypt to get ideas about what tombs were like and what treasures they held.
Make an Egyptian tomb model
By turning a rectangular(长方形的)box on its side, you can create a model tomb. You’ll need to decorate the three interior walls with paintings. Ancient Egyptians often painted tombs with scenes of daily life—dancing, hunting, playing, feasting, and working—and the journey into the afterlife.
books about ancient Egypt
cardboard wooden box that measures at least 12 to 14 inches (30 to 36 centimeters) long and 9 to 10 inches (23 to 25 centimeters) wide
drawing paper
watercolor paints or felt-tip markers
fine-tipped paintbrush
white glue
one cup (230 milliliters) flour
2/3 cup (156 milliliters) water
large bowl
strips of newspaper
Here’s How
1. Find a cardboard or wooden box and turn it on its side. The bottom of the box will form the long back "wall" of your tomb. Tear off any flaps. Then measure the walls of your tomb.
2. Cut pieces of drawing paper to fit the three different walls of your tomb.
3. Make a grid of squares across each sheet with a ruler. Egyptian draftsmen scored tomb walks in a grid pattern before artists started drawing. This helped the artists compose their work and make it exact.
4.On each sheet draw your picture and use the grid to help you form rows of hieroglyphs(象形文字).
5.Erase extra lines that don’t form part of your drawing, and then paint your scene. Let your painting dry.
6.Optional: Mix the flour and water together in a bowl. Dip the newspaper strips into the mix and add one layer around the outside top and sides of your box. Let this dry. Then paint the outside of your box a sandy color. The walls’ roughness will make it look like your tomb was formed from reek.
7. Once your box is dry, glue your drawings to the walls of your tomb.
Make a mummy case
A mummy was often placed in one or more mummy cases to help protect it. Sometimes mummy cases were placed into sarcophaguses (石棺). The cases displayed a portrait of the dead person, images of Egyptian gods, and hieroglyphic writing. Make one for your model tomb.
books about ancient Egypt and New Kingdom mummy cases
sheet of cardboard
masking tape
one cup (230 milliliters) flour
2/3 cup (156 milliliters) water
large bowl
two or three sheets of white paper towels
white glue
acrylic (丙烯酸的) paints
Hint: Do this project in stages over three or four days. Allow time for the papier-mache to dry completely.
Here’s How
1 .Print pattern screens one and two. Cut the shapes out. You should have a lid, a bottom, and two narrow strips that will be the sides of the case.
2. Take each pattern piece and place it ,on a piece of cardboard. Trace around each shape with a pencil. Then cut the cardboard shapes out. If you need help, ask an adult.
3. If you don’t want to work with papier-mache you can make a simpler mummy case by skipping to Step 7.
4. Tape the cardboard strips to the base of the case.
5. Cut the paper towel sheets into short narrow strips about 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) long.
6. Mix the flour and water together in a bowl. See directions for papier-mache. Glue the lid pattern to the cardboard lid. Then shape areas of the face and feet by dipping the paper towel strips in the papier-mache mix and molding them on the lid. Make sure you cover all areas of your case with at least one layer of strips.
7. Let your case dry for two or three days. As the lid hardens, bend it slightly so that it stays flat.
8. Once the halves of the mummy case are dry, paint them all over with white glue. Let them dry to a glossy sheen.
9. Paint a portrait on your mummy case. Add hieroglyphs, magic symbols, and pictures of Egyptian gods. Look at books for inspiration.
Make some tomb treasures
books about ancient Egypt
clay, store-bought modeling compound, or homemade modeling compound
acrylic paints
fine-tipped paintbrush
Hint: To make some objects, you may need additional materials: scraps of white cloth for a sail, tiny pieces of paper for papyrus mils, thread for boat’s rigging. You can make jewelry with tiny beads and wire or thread. Small plastic figurines that you find around your house can be transformed into Egyptian statues of gods or animals by applying molding compound and sculpting features.
Here’s How
1. Look through books about ancient Egypt tomb furnishings for objects you would like to create. Books and Web sites about Tutankhamun’s tomb will be especially useful. Robbers ransacked most Egyptian tombs in ancient times, but King Tutankhamun’s tomb is remarkable because it was discovered mostly intact. The tomb contained hundreds of objects, including food, clothing, furniture, chariots, baskets, weapons, musical instruments, statues, jewelry, tools, lamps, mummies, writing equipment, and more.
Check out our slide show for ideas. Here are some furnishings that could be found in either Middle Kingdom or New Kingdom tombs.
2. Use modeling compound or clay to make a few objects.
3.When tile objects are dry, paint them, and put them in your model tomb. Now your Egyptian tomb is complete. [br] It is generally suggested to spend one day making a mummy case.
本题在问“通常建议大家用一天的时间制造木乃伊容器”这一表述是否正确。文章中Make a Mummy Case一步中,Hint(提示)告诉我们“Do this project in stages over three or four days”(用三、四天的时间一步一步来做这件事)。
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小扇轻摇的时光 ①放暑假了,母亲一直盼望我回乡下住几天。她知道我打小就喜欢
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下列选项中,符合所给图形的变化规律的是( )。