Survey results indicate that smoking and alcohol and marijuana(大麻) use incre

游客2023-07-26  19

问题     Survey results indicate that smoking and alcohol and marijuana(大麻) use increased among residents of Manhattan during the 5~8 weeks after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center which took place on September 11, 2001. Almost one third of the nearly 1,000 persons interviewed reported an increased use of alcohol, marijuana, or cigarettes following the September 11th attacks. The largest increase was in alcohol use. 1About one fourth of the respondents said they were drinking more alcohol in the weeks after September 11; about 10% reported an increase in smoking, and 3.2% said they had increased their use of marijuana.
    The investigators found survey participants by randomly dialing New York City phone numbers and screened (筛选) potential respondents for Manhattan residents living in areas close to the World Trade Center. Interviews were conducted with 988 individuals between October 16 and November 15, 2001. Participants were asked about their cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, and marijuana use habits before and after September 11. During the week prior to September 11, 2001, 22.6% of the participants reported smoking cigarettes, 59.1% drinking alcohol, and 4.4% using marijuana. After September 11th, 23.4% reported smoking cigarettes, 64.4% drinking alcohol, and 5.7% smoking marijuana. Among those who smoked, almost 10% reported smoking at least an extra pack of cigarettes a week and among those who drank alcohol, more than 20% reported drinking at least one extra drink a day.
    The researchers found that people who reported an increase in substance abuse were more likely to suffer from post traumatic(外伤的)stress disorder (PTSD) and from depression. People who reported an increase in cigarette smoking or marijuana use were also more likely to have both P1SD and depression,  while those who reported an increase in alcohol use were more likely to have depression only. Persons who were living closer to the World Trade Center were more likely to increase their cigarette smoking, but other factors such as being displaced from home, losing possessions during the attacks, or being involved in the rescue efforts were not consistently associated with increased substance use. Symptoms of panic attack were associated with an increase in the use of all substances.
    Increase in substance abuse did not differ significantly between men and women or among racial or ethnic groups. Demographic(人口统计学的) factors such ms age, marital status, and income seemed to play a more critical role in determining if the events of September 11th led to an increase in substance use. [br] The author is trying to show in this article that______.

选项 A、use of substances may vary from time to time
B、abuse of certain substances is harmful for health
C、the attack of September 11th has left incurable harm to people’s mental health
D、terrorist attack increase anxiety and sense of insecurity among residents

答案 D

解析 通读全文可以知道文中调查的目的在于揭示9·11事件对人们生活习惯的细节影响,从而揭示出人们焦虑感的增加和不安全感的增加。A项说人们不同时间使用不同物质,错误。B项滥用某些物质对人体有害,并非本文主题。C项说9·11袭击给人们精神带来不可治愈的伤害,与原文不符。D为正确选项。