For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topi

游客2023-07-26  14

问题 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Is Celebrating Western Holidays Acceptable? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 越来越多的人喜欢过“洋节日”


答案                    Is Celebrating Western Holidays Acceptable?
    It’s true that more and more people in China, especially young people, start to celebrate some Western holidays. And the topic "Is Celebrating Western Holidays Acceptable?" is under discussion.
    Some people think celebrating Western holidays is unacceptable simply because we are Chinese. Others believe that celebrating some Western holidays, such as Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, Thanksgiving Day and so on, is acceptable, because it’s fun and we can learn something useful by doing so.
    In my opinion, celebrating Western holidays is acceptable for the following reasons. First of all, that people in China celebrate some Western holidays doesn’t mean fully accepting the Western culture and value, and it has nothing to do with religious belief. In addition, that people in China celebrate some Western holidays can enrich the life, giving people more opportunities to enjoy themselves. Thirdly, besides the people who like to celebrate the Western holidays, the business people are also very happy during the holidays. Therefore, we may say celebrating Western holidays may promote the development of our economy. Final]y; globalization is universally accepted, and celebrating Western holidays can make us better understand the Western culture. Therefore I think celebrating Western holidays is acceptable.

解析     该题目属于“选择论证型”作文。针对此类作文,考生可以根据提纲内容,先提出别人的观点并作出自己的选择,然后论证自己的观点:
    It’s true that (提出问题) ... (话题) is under discussion.
    Some people think ... (一些人的观点) others believe that ... (另一些人的观点).
    In my opinion .... (提出自己的观点). I am in favor of ... (观点) for the following reasons: First of all (理由一) ... In addition (理由二) .... Thirdly (理由三) .... Finally (最后的理由) ... Therefore, I think ... (自己论证的观点).