The United States became a rich industrial nation toward the end of the 1800

游客2023-07-23  12

问题     The United States became a rich industrial nation toward the end of the 1800s. There were more goods, more services, more jobs, and a higher【S1】______of living. There was more of everything, including problems. ’One problem was monopoly(垄断)-- that is, be the only seller of a certain line of【S2】______or a service. In some cases, several companies that manufactured the same product would agree not to【S3】______with one another. They would all agree to charge the same price. These arrangements made it impossible for【S4】______to shop around for lower prices for certain products.
    Some people decided that【S5】______corporations had too much power and controlled too many markets. Because of their wealth and power, they could see to it that governments passed laws【S6】______to them. Many people believed that monopoly and price fixing were bad for customers and bad for the country so that they should be broken up.
【S7】______, the national government and some states passed laws that placed limits on corporations and big companies. These laws made it illegal for companies to make agreements to charge only a certain price. Later on the【S8】______government forced monopoly to be broken up. Such laws and government actions didn’t【S9】______do away with monopolies. Nor did they stop the growth of huge corporations. But they did【S10】______that American people had decided that some of the changes that had occurred were harmful.

A)favorable                                                 I)compete
B)finally                                                   J)huge
C)national                                                  K)products
D)entirely                                                  L)standard
E)show                                                      M)look
F)cooperate                                                 N)most
G)customers                                                 O)special
H)anywhere [br] 【S7】


答案 B

解析 根据文法和篇章知识,我们知道这里缺少一个插入语。插入语,也称作独立成分,通常表示上下文的逻辑关系或表示说话人的态度。上文说到"Many people believed...”(许多人认为统一价格对顾客和国家都是不利的,本句说到“... national government and some states passed laws...”(联邦政府和部分的州通过了法律……)。可见前者和后者构成因果关系。根据逻辑关系以及方框内的选项,我们可以确定[B] finally(最后)符合要求。