Corporations are starting to reach the conclusion that desk-bound jobs const

游客2023-07-23  19

问题     Corporations are starting to reach the conclusion that desk-bound jobs constitute occupational hazards. So they are spending large sums of money on facilities to keep their employees physically and mentally healthy and productive. In ten years’ time such programs will be so commonplace that people will not accept a job in companies without one.
    Informed sources argue that this trend is not just a temporary one, and business health expert James Shepherd, of the Business Health Advisory Commission, emphasizes that "fitness programs are the wave of the future and in ten years there will be very few large companies that won’t have become involved." Some major corporations have already set up various fitness operations, costing millions of dollars to build and to keep up, as a means of both recruiting employees and improving their image.
    However, this drive for business fitness involves much more than mere recruitment. Industry in this country suffers annual losses estimated at $ 25 billion a year as a result of employees’ dying before their time, and loses billions more through diminished productivity because of ill health and disability. Indeed, it has been officially estimated that backaches alone cost industry no less than one billion dollars annually in production and the like, and $ 225 million more in employees’ compensation(补偿). Such statistics have shaken large corporations into a realization that drastic measures need to be taken to get desk-bound employees out of their seats.
    Even though there is as yet no hard evidence to show the benefits of in-house fitness programs, corporate physical fitness is becoming something of an industry in its own right~ According to one member of the President’ s Council, more than five hundred companies across the country have fitness programs managed by full time directors. Even more noteworthy is the national membership of the American Association of Fitness Directors in Business and Industry. When the organization was formed in 1974, there were twenty-five members. Today their number exceeds 1800. [br] According to statistics, the American industry annually loses______ owing to its employees’backaches.

选项 A、$1,000 million
B、$ 225 million
C、$1,225 million
D、at least $ 25 billion

答案 C

解析 计算题。该题问“根据统计数字,美国经济每年因雇员背部疼痛而造成的损失足多少钱?”答题依据在第三段,美国工业每年的损失应包括1 billion 的生产损失和225 million 的补偿损失,两者相加为1.225 billion dollars。故,[C]为该题答案。