[originaltext]M:I have an appointment with the Dean of students at two o’clock.

游客2023-07-22  10

M:I have an appointment with the Dean of students at two o’clock.
W: He is on the phone now. Why don’t you have a seat?
Q: What does the woman want the man to do?
W: Has your brother found an apartment yet?
M: No, he’s still living in a room downtown, but I’m helping him look.
Q: What is the man doing?

选项 A、He is going to find all apartment.
B、He’ s helping his brother look for an apartment.
C、He already found an apartment.
D、He’ s looking for an apartment with a girl.

答案 B

解析 答案B。the man的弟弟仍住在闹市区,但他正帮助他的弟弟找一个公寓。故选B。