[originaltext]W: I’m glad that you win the singing contest. The award money may

游客2023-07-19  15

W: I’m glad that you win the singing contest. The award money may enable you to travel around Africa this autumn.
M: I wish I could, but 1 have to save the money to pay for my daily bills for the next year. You know how expensive things are nowadays.
Q: What does the man imply?
W: We have been working on this paper for several hours and 1 feel really tired.
M: Why don’t we just stop and breathe some fresh air outdoors? We have plenty of time to finish it tomorrow.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He wants to know why the paper hasn’t been finished.
B、He’d like to postpone working on the paper.
C、The woman should finish her paper first.
D、It won’t take long to finish the paper tomorrow.

答案 B

解析 推理判断题。女士说他们写论文已经写了好几个小时了,并说自己已经累了;男士说他们可以停下来,到户外呼吸一下新鲜空气,因为他们明天还有足够的时间来完成论文。由此可知,男士建议推迟写论文的时间。