One feature of newfound wealth in the developing world has been the embrace

游客2023-07-19  13

问题     One feature of newfound wealth in the developing world has been the embrace of Western luxury labels. But since the global economy【B1】______apart, the rich classes have cooled their【B2】______on Chanel handbags and Gucci shoes. That doesn’t【B3】______they’ve given up luxury fashion altogether. They are turning to smaller, local designers who develop homemade luxury brands and【B4】______with world famous brands by providing high-quality luxury【B5】______at a fraction of the price.
    In India, the crisis has translated into an【B6】______opportunity for Manish Arora and Rajesh Pratap Singh, two of the country’s most【B7】______ designers. Their pieces have global appeal but also speak specifically to Indian customers. For as little as $ 350, Indian shoppers can【B8】______a dress at either designer’s main store. "Indian designers have been sensitive to market conditions and have adjusted both their product and prices,【B9】______ ," says luxury retail consultant Sabina Chopra.
    These markets all share certain traits: cheap, highly skilled craft labor; interest in abundant color; and【B10】______. Their consumers are delighted to buy a statement piece by one of their own designers for a third of the price of a comparable Western creation. It goes beyond savings) there’s an element of pride at work, too. Today,【B11】______. Tomorrow, they’re likely to face serious competition from these upstarts (后起之秀) on their home range of London, Milan, Paris or New York. [br] 【B2】


答案 spending

解析 句意推断题。句中空格后是介词on,其后的宾语是世界有名的奢侈品,因此这里要表达的意思是“花费”,因为空格前有their,所以应该使用动名词形式。结合录音可得出答案为spending,意为“花费”。