The chief purpose of the recent punishment measures proposed by NCAA is to _____

游客2023-07-18  15

问题 The chief purpose of the recent punishment measures proposed by NCAA is to ______. [br] Which of the following is true according to the passage?

选项 A、Academic fraud has been very prevalent in most schools.
B、Most academically poor athletes are enjoying full scholarship.
C、It ii not very difficult to effectively improve student athletes’ academic standings.
D、Athletes might face punishment if their academic performances lag behind for a long time.

答案 D

解析 由题干中的according to the passage和四个选项定位到原文第三、四段相关细节处。[精析] 综合推断题[考频:28]。原文第三段末句说,NCAA坚持要对学习表现一贯较差的学生实施制裁——禁止他们参加每年的三月疯狂赛事,电不让他们分享比赛所带来的丰厚回报。由此可以推知,如果运动员的学习长期落后的话就可能面对制裁。D)与文意相符,故为止确答案。[避错] A)中提到的“学术欺骗”实际是很多NCAA的董事所担心的可能发生的结果,但现在还没有盛行,故排除;B)的错误在于原文说的是篮球运动员10个里只有4个毕业,而他们中绝大多数人是享有全额奖学金的。但是这不代表多数学习不好的运动员都有全额奖学金,故排除;原文第三段首句说“很多著名体育项目中的运动员一直在学术上挣扎着,所以NCAA才决定采取更有力的措施”。由此看出推进学生运动员的学习成绩不是件容易的事情,C)中的not very difficult(不是很难)与文意不符,故排除。