Name-calling and teasing are overwhelmingly the main type of classroom bully

游客2023-07-17  15

问题     Name-calling and teasing are overwhelmingly the main type of classroom bullying, says a study funded by UNESCO.
    However, the study does【S1】______some good news. The research in the British part of the program has found that the problem of bullying in schools has【S2】______. A decade of anti-bullying initiatives has led to the first recorded drop in the number of victims and a【S3】______fall in the number of young bullies. This is the first【S4】______study to show school bullying on the decrease. The research, being published in the year 2000, was carried out by psychologist Peter Smith, of Goldsmith’s College, London. The war on【S5】______and name-calling has been so successful that Britain is no longer the bullying capital of Europe, showing major improvements in【S6】______with other European countries.
    The international research shows that there has been a【S7】______of at least 72,000 in the number of English teenagers who say they have been bullied, compared with 10 years ago. Meanwhile the  number of perpetrators(作恶者)has more than halved,【S8】______from 550,000 to 240,000 over the same period.
    Back in 1990, Smith【S9】______interviews with 7,000 Yorkshire children aged between 10 and 16. He found that the proportion of pupils suffering【S10】______at the hands of bullies ranged from 15% in West Yorkshire to 13.1% in Sheffield. Last year he repeated the exercise, questioning 2,300 pupils from across England. He discovered that only 12.2% of pupils were bullied.

A)combination                F)abstract               K)delighted
B)decreased                  G)decline                L)suddenly
C)dramatic                   H)involving              M)shrinking
D)substantial                I)conducted              N)reveal
E)violence                   J)regularly              O)comparison [br] 【S7】


答案 G

解析 空格处位于不定冠词a和介词of之间,需要填入名词。根据下文提到,同时与10年前相比,恃强凌弱的人数下降了一半还多,因此空格处也应是下降之意,a decline of为固定搭配,意为“下降”。