The example of the English schoolboy was used to show that ______. [br] The exam

游客2023-07-17  12

问题 The example of the English schoolboy was used to show that ______. [br] The example of the retired general’s wife and mechanic is mentioned in the text to show that ______.

选项 A、wives of high ranked official are usually very pride to poor people
B、modeling is not the only way people respond in different situations
C、there is a distinct speech difference between rich people and the poor
D、the poor tend to pretend to be well-educated in front of the rich

答案 B

解析 由题干中的retired general’s wife和mechanic定位到原文末段第四句For example, a retried general’s wife, renowned for her continuous snobbishness...。[精析] 推理判断题[考频:66]。原文末段举例之前说,模拟可能只是更宽范围的语言变化的一个方面。在另外一些情况下,当某些因素促使讲话人想要让自己的话尽量有别于听者的时候,则会发生话语离散。换句话说,语言变化除了模拟(modeling)还有别的形式,就是采取有别于听话人的说话方式讲话。然后举出将军妻子的例子。由此可以推知,该例子是为了证实“模仿不是人们在不同环境中唯一的反应方式”,故B)为正确答案。[避错] A)“高官衔军官的夫人通常在穷人面前很骄傲”,而原文只是举例,不能说明这是普遍情况,排除;原文叙述的是两入各自的话语行为的变化,并非两人之间的对比,故排除C)“穷人和富人之间存在明显的话语区别”;原文虽提及“机械师可能会用大量的难以理解的技术术语”,但并非假装受到良好教育的倾向,而是“讲话人想要让自己的话尽量有别于听者”,故也排除D)。