[originaltext]W: Hello! Can you introduce yourself please?M: Sure, my name is

游客2023-07-16  16

W: Hello! Can you introduce yourself please?
M: Sure, my name is Steven Patterson and I’m from a small town called (19)Brentwood in Essex which is in
W: OK, Essex. What part of England is that?
M: That’s in the southeast.
W: Southeast.
M: Yeah, yeah. (20)It’s attached to London, just next to London.
W: Oh, OK, but you said it’s a small town.
M: (20)It’s relatively small. The population is about 50 000.
W: OK, well, what kind of place is your town where you grew up?
M: It’s actually a very nice and prosperous town. People often travel out from Brentwood into London and they work in the city, because it’s a pleasant place to live.
W: Oh, it sounds nice. Well, now if you live in a little town near London, will it be really expensive?
M: Yes, because it’s a desirable place to live in Brentwood and (21)the closeness to London also makes the housing quite expensive.
W: Oh, really, when I think of a small British village, you know, I think of really old houses, and nothing’s changed, so do you have modern stuff, like a health club, a movie theater or things like that?
M: (22)The cinema in Brentwood actually closed down, but it does have a very nice health center and as I said lots of parks to play. There are lots of opportunities to exercise and various forms of recreation.
W: Wow, sounds like a nice place to live.
19. Where does the man come from?
20. What do we learn about Brentwood?
21. Which is one of the reasons for the high cost of Brentwood?
22. What can be inferred from the conversation about the recreation in Brentwood?

选项 A、Essex, Brentwood, England.
B、Brentwood, England, Essex.
C、Brentwood, Essex, England.
D、Essex, England, Brentwood.

答案 C

解析 事实细节题。对话开头女士问男士能否介绍一下自己,男士说自己来自一个名叫布莱特伍德(Brentwood)的小镇,这个小镇位于英格兰地区埃塞克斯郡(Essex)。