[originaltext]W: Don, I hear you bought a new car.M: I did just buy a car, but

游客2023-07-16  16

W: Don, I hear you bought a new car.
M: I did just buy a car, but it’ s not exactly a new one— it was made back in the 1950’s. Here, take a look at this photo.
W: Wow, you’re right— this car hasn’t been new for a long time ! Couldn’t you afford a newer car?
M: Believe it or not, this car cost almost as much as a new one.
W: Reatly? How could that be?
M: Well, a lot of cars from the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s have become collectors’ items and are worth a lot of money.
W: But this one doesn’t seem to be in very good shape.
M: The engine is still in good condition. I plan to fix up the interior and to paint the car myself.  Then it will be worth even more money.
W: So then you’ll re - sell it?
M: No, I don’t plan to re - sell it— but I might enter It in some classic auto shows. Maybe I’ll win a prize.

选项 A、In the 1930’ s.
B、In the 1940’s.
C、In the 1950’s.
D、In the 1960’s.

答案 C

解析 在对话开头Don就告知车是五十年代制造的,故选C。后来听到的“40’s,50’s,and 60’s”跟本题的问题无关。