[originaltext]M: I ran into our friend Mark yesterday on the street and he said

游客2023-07-11  10

M: I ran into our friend Mark yesterday on the street and he said he hadn’t heard from you for two months.
W: Yes, I know. But I’ve been too busy to phone him.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?
W: So you finally listened to your wife’s advice and gave up smoking.
M: It was my doctor’s advice. I’m suffering from high blood pressure.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man no longer smokes.
B、The man is under pressure from his wife.
C、The man usually follows his wife’s advice.
D、The man refuses to listen to his doctor’s advice.

答案 A

解析 同义转述。“gave up smoking”就是“no longer smokes”;另外,男士戒烟是听从医生的忠告,而非出于妻子的压力,故排除B)、C)和D)。