In his first term, Mayor Michael Bloomberg mapped out a fair plan to get rid

游客2023-07-09  11

问题     In his first term, Mayor Michael Bloomberg mapped out a fair plan to get rid of 11,000 tons of New York City garbage every day. The complex proposal was designed to make each district take care of its own trash. It was also supposed to help limit noisy garbage trucks going long distances through the city to reach marine barges(驳船), railways or out-of-state trash facilities.
    Nobody wanted these new garbage transfer stations in their neighborhood, even with promises of new high-tech, low-smell facilities. There are already stations in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island, most of them in lower-income communities. Only one area of the city—the Upper East Side of Manhattan—has refused to accept a trash facility. The city should not give in to local resistance.
    It is time for residents in that neighborhood to accept a share of the city’s garbage problem. The city should build a modern, environmentally sound facility at 91st Street to transfer trash from Manhattan to barges on the East River. That trash, estimated at up to 1,800 tons a day, would then go by barge to other states.
    Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway said last week that the city has had to fight off "lawsuit after lawsuit" with "every useless argument under the sun" from those opposing the 91st Street facility. Those delays have helped push the cost for building the station from $ 125 million in 2006 to about $ 226 million now.
    An earlier trash station at that site, which was closed in 1999, was badly designed so that trucks idled along York Avenue. The new facility, Mr. Holloway said, has been designed to reduce the congestion problem with longer ramps(匝道)leading to the facility, which sits on the eastern side of Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. The plans also call for higher noise-blocking walls along the ramps.
    This terminal is an essential part of the city’s 20-year waste management plan. John Doherty, the sanitation(环境卫生)commissioner, told critics at a hearing last week, " We will not entertain any changes to what is a fair and thoughtful, district-based approach that was founded on the principles of environmental equity for all New Yorkers. "
    Environmental equity, in this case, means that the Upper East Side of Manhattan has to do its part. [br] The delays in building the 91st Street facility______.

选项 A、have put the city into trouble of nationwide opposition
B、have caused the city bigger financial pressure
C、have damaged the government’s authority
D、have brought Deputy Mayor endless lawsuit

答案 B

解析 事实细节题。本题考查垃圾站的延迟建立所造成的后果。作者指出延迟已经导致垃圾站的建设费用从2006年的1.25亿美元上升到了现在的2.26亿美元,由此可知B)“给这个城市带来了更大的财政压力”为本题答案。A)“使这个城市陷入了全国性的反对之中”不符合原文,由上文可知,文中提到的“反对”是指有些人反对在91号街区建立垃圾场,故排除;C)“破坏了政府的威信”在原文中没有体现,故排除;D)“使副市长陷人到了无尽的官司之中”与原文不符,由上文可知,诉讼来自于反对在91号街区建立垃圾场的人,并且是针对纽约市政府,而不是针对副市长的,故排除。