[originaltext]W: Did you see today’s newspaper? That building over in Center Vi
[originaltext]W: Did you see today’s newspaper? That building over in Center Vi
W: Did you see today’s newspaper? That building over in Center Ville was just struck by lightning for the fourth time.
M: I didn’t read the article, but I’m not surprised. There is an old saying that “lightning never strikes twice in the same place”. But it seems to me that if the conditions for lightning to strike are right one time, they might be just as good another time.
W: Well, I don’t take any chances. If I’m caught in a thunderstorm, I look for shelter in a building or a closed car since lightning is supposed to be attracted to the tallest or sharpest object in the area.
M: But what if you were stuck outdoors?
W: (4)Also I was told that if you’re stuck outdoors, the best thing you can do is keep yourself close to the ground and avoid bodies of water. Apparently, lightning is especially attracted to water.
M: (5) To tell you the truth, even when I’m at home I don’t take baths or showers during a thunderstorm. (6) I turn off my television and I don’t use any appliance or talk on the telephone.
W: Yes. We should just avoid using anything that works electrically.
M: Maybe you think I’m too nervous about these things.
W: I wouldn’t say that. According to the article, (7) lightning starts thousands of fires every year in the United States alone. Hundreds of people are injured or even killed by lightning, and millions of dollars worth of property gets damaged. I think you’re just being sensible.
4. What does the woman try to do if she’s caught outdoors during a thunderstorm?
5. What is the man’s opinion of taking a bath during a thunderstorm?
6. What does the man imply about watching television during a thunderstorm?
7. What does the woman say about the effects of lightning in the United States?
A、It can keep people informed about weather changes.
B、It can help prevent people from being nervous.
C、It might be difficult to get a clear picture.
D、It might be dangerous to turn the television on.
A.麦冬 B.瓜蒌 C.海藻 D.半夏 E.桔梗治疗寒痰湿痰,应选用的药
有支气管哮喘及机械性肠梗阻的患者应禁用A、山莨菪碱 B、新斯的明 C、东莨菪
下列不符合处方书写规则的是A:处方用字的字迹应当清楚,不得涂改 B:医师、药师
(2018年真题)《中国药典》规定满山红含量测定的指标成分是( )A.七叶苷
涎腺多形性腺瘤A.鳞状化生 B.角化珠 C.胶样小体 D.角质栓塞 E.
小儿重症肺炎最常见的酸碱平衡紊乱是A.呼吸性酸中毒 B.代谢性酸中毒 C.呼
不属于预防医学的道德要求的是( )。A.爱岗敬业,宣传大卫生法规,言传身教