[originaltext]M: Hello, I have a reservation for tonight.W: Your name, please.

游客2023-07-07  16

M: Hello, I have a reservation for tonight.
W: Your name, please.
M: Nelson, Charles Nelson.
W: OK, Mr. Nelson. That’s a room for five and...
M: Excuse me, you mean a room for five pounds? I didn’t know the special was so good.
W: No, no, no...According to our records,[9]a room for 5 guests was booked under your name.
M: No, no, hold on. You must have two guests under the name.
W: OK, let me check this again. Oh, here we are.
M: Yeah?
W:[9]Charles Nelson, a room for one for the 19th...
M: Wait, wait. It was for tonight, not tomorrow night.
W: Em..., I don’t think we have any rooms for tonight.[10]There’s a conference going on in town and...er, let’s see...yeah, no rooms.
M: Oh, come on! You must have something, anything!
W: Well, let...let me check my computer here...Ah!
M: What?
W: There has been a cancellation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available.
M: Great, I’ll take it.
W: But, I’ll have to charge you 150 pounds for the night.
M: What? I should get a discount for the inconvenience!
W: Well, the best I can give you is a 10% discount plus a ticket for a free continental breakfast.
M: Hey,[11]isn’t the breakfast free anyway?
W: Well, only on weekends.
M:[12]I want to talk to the manager.
W: Wait, wait, wait...Mr. Nelson, I think I can give you an additional 15% discount...
9. What is the man’s problem?
10. Why did the hotel clerk say they didn’t have any rooms for that night?
11. What did the clerk say about the breakfast in the hotel?
12. What did the man imply he would do at the end of the conversation?

选项 A、A grand wedding was being held in the hotel.
B、There was a conference going on in the city.
C、The hotel was undergoing major repairs.
D、It was a busy season for holiday-makers.

答案 B

解析 当男士说他预订的是今晚的而不是明晚的房间时,女士说今晚没有空房间了,因为城里正在举行一个会议,由此可知B项正确。