[originaltext]M: I have been running the sports ground every morning for nearly

游客2023-07-07  18

M: I have been running the sports ground every morning for nearly a month. But the scale shows no hints of losing weight. I wonder if it is worth it.
W: You see, usually it seems very hard when you are starting out. It may work one month later.
Q: What does the woman mean?
W: Hi, Jack! Turn that music down. I am discussing something with your father.
M: That is the lowest volume of my tape, or you may soundproof the room.
Q: What will the man probably do?

选项 A、Find a quiet room.
B、Turn the music down.
C、Keep the volume high.
D、Soundproof the room.

答案 C

解析 对话中男士提到,That is the lowest…tape,or...soundproof the room(这已经是我的录音带的最小音量了,或许你可以将房间隔音),即男士不会调低音量,故答案为C)。soundproof意为“使隔音”。