[originaltext]W: I must have told Mike five times not to forget the meeting. An

游客2023-07-07  16

W: I must have told Mike five times not to forget the meeting. And he still missed it.
M: Well, you know Mike; everything’s in one ear and out the other.
Q: What can be inferred about Mike?
M: This room is so crowded. I can hardly hear and I can’t see a thing.
W: I don’t understand why they didn’t have this show in a larger theatre.
Q: What are they complaining about?

选项 A、The crowd who is very noisy.
B、The room that is too small for the audience.
C、The show that is very difficult to understand.
D、The light that is not bright enough.

答案 B

解析 对话中男士提到的room is so crowded(房间太挤了)和女士说的why they didn’t havethis show in a larger theatre(他们为何不在一个更大的剧院演出。)表明,二人都在抱怨剧院太小,故答案为B)。