[originaltext]W: Jack, would you like to go to the club with us tomorrow night?

游客2023-07-04  15

W: Jack, would you like to go to the club with us tomorrow night?
M: 1 wish I could, but I have to work on my term paper.
Q: Is Jack going to the club?
M: Is the next game going to be held at our stadium or theirs?
W: Do you really think it will make much of a difference with a losing record like ours?
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、If the game is held there the team will lose.
B、If the game is held there the team will win.
C、It makes no difference since the team will lose.
D、It makes no difference since the team will win.

答案 C

解析 推理题。女士说对我们这样一直保持失败记录的队伍来说,比赛在什么地方举行有很大不同吗?言下之意是他们的队伍终将失败,也就无所谓在什么地方举行比赛了。