[originaltext]W: Prof. Smith, would you like to come to dinner at our dorm tomo

游客2023-07-03  19

W: Prof. Smith, would you like to come to dinner at our dorm tomorrow? We’re trying to get to know the faculty.
M: If only you’d asked me earlier, I just accepted a speaking engagement.
Q: What will the man do tomorrow?
W: What do you think of the magazine I recommended, John?
M: Well, to tell you the truth, I had found something more interesting.
Q: What does the man think of the magazine the woman recommended?

选项 A、It is worth reading.
B、It is unique.
C、It is too bad.
D、It is not interesting enough.

答案 D

解析 生活交际类,观点态度题。女士询问男士对她推荐的杂志的看法,男士没有正面回答,而是说找到了更有趣的书。言外之意,男士认为女士推荐的杂志并不是很有趣。