1.面对严峻的就业形势,很多人认为新毕业的大学生应该降低对工作的期望值 2.但另一些人持反对意见 3.我的看法 Should Ne

游客2023-06-29  42

问题     1.面对严峻的就业形势,很多人认为新毕业的大学生应该降低对工作的期望值


答案     Should New Graduates Lower Job Expectations?
    Nowadays, college graduates are faced with a tight job market, so many people think that new graduates should lower their job expectations. After all, it is more practical for them to accept a worse-than-expected offer than remain jobless after graduation. Furthermore, whatever jobs new graduates get, they can obtain valuable working experience and confidence in more demanding jobs in the future.
    However, some others argue that new graduates will lose ground if they lower job expectations. They believe that a good beginning is half the battle. In this sense, new graduates should start their careers from a relatively high point.
    Personally, I side with the former opinion. It is an indisputable reality that today’s university students are losing their shine, so degrees and diplomas cannot guarantee a new graduate’s success any longer. Lowering job expectations presents a more positive approach to job hunting for new graduates.
