中国人似乎很喜欢红黄两色。中国国旗就是由这两种颜色组成的。很多重大场合的装饰和重要书籍的封面设计(cover design)总会用到这两种颜色。国庆节天

游客2023-06-23  46

问题     中国人似乎很喜欢红黄两色。中国国旗就是由这两种颜色组成的。很多重大场合的装饰和重要书籍的封面设计(cover design)总会用到这两种颜色。国庆节天安门广场摆放的鲜花也是以这两种颜色为主调。或许是因为汉族的发源地是黄土高原(Loess Plateau),所以中国人最崇尚黄色。中国人也酷爱红色。据说中国曾有“赤县神州”之称,中国人现在也喜欢自称“赤子”。


答案     Chinese people seem to like the red and yellow colors a lot. The two colors are used for the Chinese national flag. They are also the predominant colors for the cover designs of some important books, as well as the decoration for major events, such as the flowers displayed in Tian’anmen Square during the National Day holiday. Maybe because the Hans originated in the Loess Plateau, the Chinese admire the color of yellow very much. Chinese people also like the red color a lot. It is said that China used to be called the "red country". Even now Chinese people like to refer to themselves as "Chizi", meaning the "red descendant".

解析 1.第一句中“似乎很喜欢”可以翻译为seem to like。
2.第二句的主语是中国国旗,但是在翻译时为了和下文保持语篇的连贯,我们将译文的主语换成了The two colors。
4.最后一句中“赤子”是个文化负载词,这里我们采用了音译加注的方法进行翻译,译成了“Chizi”,meaning the“red descendant”。