
游客2023-06-22  41

问题     中国人的待客之道就是把最好的东西拿出来招待客人。中国人非常友好,喜欢用最好的东西招待客人。到中国人家里做客总感觉他们招待得很隆重(sumptuous):上一大桌菜,不停地为你布菜,想方设法让客人吃得尽兴。即便做了一大桌子菜,他们还是会说:“没什么东西,凑合吃吧。”有些人家还会让孩子给客人表演唱歌或者背诵诗歌。


答案     People want to bring out their best food to welcome the guests. That is Chinese hospitality. Chinese people are very friendly and always ready to treat their guests with the best things they have. One always feels spoiled to be a guest in a Chinese household. The host usually prepares a sumptuous meal and keeps putting food on your plate, trying every means to give the guest a pleasant meal. Even though there would be a lot of food on the table, the host would still say "We don’t have much, so please bear with us." Some hosts even ask their children to sing a song or recite a poem for the guest.

解析 1.在翻译第一句时我们采用了拆译法,把其分成两个句子进行翻译。第一句介绍中国人的待客习惯,第二句进行总结:That is Chinese hospitality,清晰明了。
2.第三句中的“布菜”一词看似较为专业,实质上指的是“夹菜”,所以可以用put food on yourplate来表示。
3.第四句中的“凑合吃吧”翻译成了please bear with us。bear with sb.在英文中是“宽容某人”的意思,中文“凑合吃吧”是“招待不周,不要见怪”的意思,也就是说意思是“请原谅我们招待不周”,所以,参考译文较准确地传达了原文的意思。
4.我们可以将最后一句中的“表演唱歌”翻译为sing a song,也可以翻译为perform a song。