
游客2023-06-22  22

问题     2008年北京奥运会对中国经济、社会发展具有广泛而深远的影响,特别是对体育、旅游、建筑、建材、通信、商业服务等具体产业的影响更为直接。“奥运”经济成为了中国经济新的增长点,并创造了上百万个就业机会。由于奥运会的作用,中国经济在21世纪的前10年实现了高速发展。奥运会也大大加快了北京建设现代化国际大都市的步伐。


答案     The 2008 Beijing Olympics has exerted an extensive and far-reaching influence on China’s economic and social development, especially on such concrete industries as PE, tourism, construction, building material, communication and business service, on which the influence is more direct. The Olympic economy has become the new increasing point of Chinese economy and has provided millions of job opportunities. Due to the influence of Olympics, Chinese economy has witnessed a rapid development during the first ten years of the 21st century. Beijing Olympics has also quickened the step of Beijing to go into a modern international metropolis.

解析 1.第一句较长,翻译时注意先找出主干,本句的主干是“奥运会对……具有广泛而深远的影响”,翻译为The 2008 Beijing Olympics has exerted an extensive and far-reaching influence on…,接下来再把对什么有影响逐一翻译在on之后。“特别是对……”也比较好翻译,可以用especially on…来表示。那么难点在于怎么处理“影响更为直接”,这里我们可以用定语从句on which the influence is mote direct来表达。
2.第二句中,“新的增长点”翻译为new increasing point。
4.最后一句中,“国际大都市”翻译为international metropolis。