Success was once defined as being able to stay at a company for a long time

游客2023-06-20  9

问题     Success was once defined as being able to stay at a company for a long time and move up the corporate ladder. The goal was to reach the top, accumulate wealth and retire to a life of ease. My father is a successful senior executive. In 35 years, he worked for only three companies.
    When I started my career, things were already different. If you weren’t changing companies every three or four years, you simply weren’t getting ahead in your career. But back then, if you were a consultant or freelancer (自由职业者), people would wonder what was wrong with you. They would assume you had problems getting a job.
    Today, consulting or freelancing for five businesses at the same time is a badge of honor. It shows how valuable an individual is. Many companies now look to these "ultimate professionals" to solve problems their full-time teams can’t. Or they save money by hiring "top-tier (顶尖的) experts" only for particular projects.
    Working at home or in cafes, starting businesses of their own, and even launching business ventures that eventually may fail, all indicate "initiative," "creativity," and "adaptability," which are desirable qualities in today’s workplace. Most important, there is a growing recognition that people who balance work and play, and who work at what they are passionate about, are more focused and productive, delivering greater value to their clients.
    Who are these people? They are artists, writers, programmers, providers of office services and career advice. What’s needed now is a marketplace platform specifically designed to bring freelancers and clients together. Such platforms then become a place to feature the most experienced, professional, and creative talent. This is where they conduct business, where a sense of community reinforces the culture and values of the gig economy (零工经济), and where success is rewarded with good reviews that encourage more business.
    Slowly but surely, these platforms create a bridge between traditional enterprises and this emerging economy. Perhaps more important, as the global economy continues to be disrupted by technology and other massive change, the gig economy will itself become an engine of economic and social transformation. [br] What does the author use the example of his father to illustrate?

选项 A、How long people took to reach the top of their career.
B、How people accumulated wealth in his father’s time.
C、How people viewed success in his father’s time.
D、How long people usually stayed in a company.

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。定位段指出,成功曾经被定义为能在一家公司任职很长时间并获得晋升。目的是到达高位,积累财富,退休后安度晚年。第三、四句提到了作者父亲的亲身经历,用以说明该段前两句的内容,即在其父辈的年代,人们对于成功的定义是怎样的,故答案为C)。