共用题干 Margaret Sanger and Birth ControlM

免费题库2022-08-02  90

问题 共用题干Margaret Sanger and Birth Control
Margaret Sanger,an American nurse,was the first to start the modern birth control movement in the United States.In 1912 she______(51)publishing information about women's reproductive(生殖的)concerns through articles and books. In 1914 Sanger was charged ______(52)violation of the Comstock Law,which federal legislation had passed in 1873 for-bidding the mailing of sexy material______(53)information about birth control and contraceptive(避孕的)devices. Though she was put in jail for these activities , Sanger______( 54 ) to publish and spread information about birth control.She and her sister Ethel Byrne opened the first of several birth control clinics in America on October 16,1916,in Brooklyn,New York.
The Comstock Law was rewritten by Congress in 1 936 to______(55)birth control information and devices .Many states had laws forbidding distribution or use of contraceptive devices but the constitutionality(合宪性)of these laws was increasingly______(56).In 1965,the
Supreme Court of the United States ruled that married people have the right to practice birth control without government intervention .In 1972,the court______(57)that unmarried people have the same right.
Today there are more birth control options______(58),but overpopulation and unwanted pregnancies remain worldwide______(59).Having more children than one can support may lead______(60)poverty,illness,and high death rates for babies,children,and women.
The problem of teenage pregnancy is______(61) worse in the United States ______(62)in almost any other developed country.Studies show that birth rates for women under 20 are higher in the United States than in 29 other______(63)countries.A detailed study suggested that the problem of teenage pregnancy in the United States may be______(64) to less sex education in schools and lower availability(可获性)of contraceptive services and supplies to young people,This study______(65)the view of people in the United States who argue that sex education or making contraceptive supplies available to school-age children promotes sexual activity.62._________A: asB: thanC: forD: over

选项 62._________
A: as
B: than
C: for
D: over

答案 B

解析 从语法上分析,动名词pubishing应是将要填入空白处的动词的宾语,四个选项中只有began后面可以有动名词作宾语,且符合上下文意思,故它是最佳答案。

动词charge的用法是charge sb. with sth.(指控某人有某种罪行或错误),故应选A项。但要注意,如果用动词accuse,则应是accuse sb. of sth.,两者词义相同,但使用的介词不同。


爱意空白处前面有个让步状语从句,因此主句所叙述的内容一定与它的逻辑推理相反,从这个意义上讲,只有选项C和D可供选择,但选项C如果用于“一直不断”这个词义时,后面应该接doing sth.,即keep doing sth.,不能keep to do sth.;而选项D,既可 continue doing sth.,又可continue to do sth.,故应选D。虽然选项B也可以start doing sth.和start to do sth.,但与上下文意思不符,因为她在此之前曾经为此被指控过了。


填此空白时要注意国会已经修改法律放松控制这一背景,因此有的州仍然坚持严格控制,其合宪性自然要受到怀疑,加上本句中的“but”或多或少起到提示作用,故选项 A为最佳选择,其他选项均不合适。

填这个空时,首先要考虑四个选项中哪一个动词的宾语可以使用that引导的从句,其次再看看哪个符合上下文意思。knew(知道),suspected (,坏疑)和held(认为)都符合第一项的要求,但填上knew和suspected与上下文意思不符,故只有C项合适。虽然A 项permitted (允许)符合上下文意思,但它不能使用that引导的从句作宾语。

在四个选项中只有C项“than ever before”才是正确表达“比以往任何时候”这个意思,其他选项都是错误的。


在所列举的四个选项中,只有A项和C项可以与动词lead搭配构成短语,lead sb. on意为“率领某人继续前进”,这时lead为及物动词,后面须有宾语,on是副词;而lead to…意为“导致”,这时lead为不及物动词,to为介词,因此,此项C无论从语法上还是意义上都最合适。

从语法上分析,worse是形容词比较级,其前面可有一个表示程度的副词作状语。在四个选项中,A项more不能与比较级连用;B项和C项意思相同,adequately = enough,也不能与比较级连用;只有D项considerably( = much)从语法上和词义上都最合适。

回答此题时,只要注意前面已有形容词bad的比较级worse时,就会很容易选择 than构成比较。

答此题时也要注意,上一句已经将美国与其他发达国家作了比较,本句是上句的延续,因此可以很容易选择developed为答案。developed countries:发达国家;developing countries:发展中国家。

在四个选项中,只有C项和D项可以跟介词to连用,而A项和B项则应与介词 with连用。be related to…:与……有关;be loyal to…:忠实于……。根据上下文意思,还是D项合适。

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