共用题干 Ear BreakthroughNew research publi
共用题干 Ear BreakthroughNew research publi
共用题干Ear Breakthrough
New research published in the journal Current Biology has added significantly to understand-ing of how the ear works,giving hope to millions of deaf and hard of hearing people.
The latest research,conducted by Dr.
T. Albet,a Deafness Research UK research fel-low at the UCL Ear Institute,together with scientists at the University of Cologne,shows that fruit flies have ears which mechanically amplify sound signals in a remarkably similar way to the senso- ry(感觉的)cells found in the inner ear of vertebrates(脊椎动物)including humans. The finding means that the wealth of genetic techniques already available to study the fruit fly can now be used to target how the ear works.
Dr. Albert says.“The biophysical parallels between the ways both fruit flies and humans convert sound into nerve signals are truly amazing.We may be allowed to hope that these mecha- nistic(机械学的)similarities extend further down to the genes and molecules that bring about hearing.But even if it finally should turn out that hearing in fruit flies relies on different mole-cules than does hearing in humans,the little fruit fly can help us find answers to some key ques-tions of hearing research and -what is sometimes even more important -will surely help us ask the right questions.”
The work is welcomed by Deafness Research UK,the country's only medical research charity for deaf people.Vivienne Michael,chief executive of Deafness Research UK.says,“This is an important advance that paves the way toward a clear understanding of the genetics of deafness.The charity will continue to support culling-edge(尖端的)research through its Fellowship programme at the UCI.Ear institute and at other top research centres in the UK to achieve our goal of secu-ring audial improvements in the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of all forms of hearing impair-ment.”
There are nine million deaf and hard of hearing people in the UK and in most cases deafness results from loss of sensory cells in the inner ear known as“hair” cells.The cells can be damaged and lost through ageing,noise,genetic defects and certain drugs and,because the cells don't re- generate,the result is progressive— and irreversible—hearing loss .Damage to these cells can al-so lead to tinnitus(耳鸣),which affects around five million people in the UK.Quite a number of genetic techniques have been used_______.A: to target how the ear worksB: to study the fruit flyC:.to stimulate sensory cellsD: to amplify sound signals
Quite a number of genetic techniques have been used_______.
A: to target how the ear works
B: to study the fruit fly
C:.to stimulate sensory cells
D: to amplify sound signals
根据第二段的“The finding means that… can now be used to target how the ear works.”可知,大量经费用于研究果蝇的听力,而且已经有可应用的成果。故选B。
由第三段中的“The biophysical parallels between the ways both fruit flies and humans convert sound into nerve signals are truly amazing.”可知,果蝇和人类转化声音为神经信号的能力的相似性是十分令人吃惊的。故本题选D。
倒数第二段第一句中的“The work is welcomed by Deafness Research UK , the country's only medical research charity for deaf people.Vivienne Michael,chief executive of Deafness Research UK.”可知,Vivienne很感激整个研究成果,这一研究成果即上文中 Albert博士的研究成果。因此答案为D。
由最后一段中的“The cells can be images and lost through… the result is progressive—and irreversible—hearing loss.”可知,听力神经细胞是不能增殖的,因此,损伤就是不可逆转的。故答案为C。
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