共用题干 Influenza(流感)Influenza has been wi

资格题库2022-08-02  5

问题 共用题干Influenza(流感)
Influenza has been with us a long time. According to some Greek writers___1___ medical history, the outbreak of 412 B. C. was of influenza. The same has been suggested of the sickness___ 2___swept through the Greek army attacking Syracuse in 395B. C. Influenza is a disease that moves most quick-ly among people living in___ 3___ conditions,hence,it is likely to attack armies.
___4___ the nineteenth century there were five widespread outbreaks of influenza. The last of the five ___5 ___in 1889 and marked the beginning of the story of influenza in our time.___ 6 ___the recent outbreak,it started in Asia.
For more than forty years before that outbreak,influenza had steadily ___7___ and was be-lieved to be dying out. A new group of outbreaks was___ 8 ___by the great outbreak of 1889一 1890 and for the next quarter of a century influenza remained a constant threat.
In April 1918 influenza broke out among American troops stationed in France. It quickly spread through all the___ 9___ but caused relatively few deaths. Four months later,however,a second outbreak started which ___10___ to be a killer. It killed not only the old and already sick but also healthy young adults. It ___11___ through every country in the world,only a few distant islands in the South Atlantic and the Pacific remaining___12___.It brought the life of whole countries to stop,food___13___stopped and work loss was very great.Before the great outbreak ended,it had killed at ___14 ___ 15 million people. Thereafter,there have been several great outbreaks throughout the world. It is thus___15___that influenza is a terrible infection that we have to pay more attention to.10._________A: ceasedB: provedC: wantedD: failed

选项 10._________
A: ceased
B: proved
C: wanted
D: failed

答案 B

解析 文中“According to some Greek writers”(根据一些希腊作家)和“medical history(医学历史)”,很明显应选A项on关于……,论述……。B项by通过;C项to(方向,程度、范围)到和D项with带有,均不符合要求。
文中“…the sickness(疾病——指大流感)”;“swept through(起谓语作用), (席卷)”。从语法结构看,这说明选项应该是“关系代词”,并作swept through的“主语”。根据给出的四个选项:A项where用于修饰地点的词,不能作主语;B项why用于修饰原因的词,不能作主语;C项who用于修饰表示人的词,故这三项都不可取。只有D项的that指代物,作主语正合适。
文中“people living in(生活在……的人们)”和“conditions(状况)”来看可以 发现,people(living)in crowded conditions经常使用,意思是:“拥挤(群聚)的人群”,很明显应 选D项crowded拥挤的,挤满人的。A项local当地的;B项good好的和C项rich富有的,都不合适。
根据文中“the nineteenth Century there were five…influenza(19世纪5次……大流感),”很明显应选C项during在……期间。A项since自从;B项among在多个当中和D项for表示时间长度,均不符合要求。
结合文中“The last of the five(5次中的最后1次)”和“in 1889”,很明显应 选D项happened发生。A项changed改变;B项stopped停止和C项suffered遭受,都不合要求。
文中“the recent outbreak,it started in Asia.(最近一次大爆发,它始于亚 洲。)”,很明显应选B项Like像。A项As(同……)一样,同样;作为;C项Along沿着和D项 Before在……之前,均合要求。
文中“…influenza had steadily(……流感正稳步)”和“…to be dying out (……正在消失)”,很明显(在消失之前)应选B项decreased下降。A项increased增加;C项 interrupted中断和D项kept保持,均不合要求。
文中“A new group of outbreaks was(新一轮疫情爆发)”和“by the treat outbreak of 1889-1890(1889-1890年的大爆发)”,很明显应选D项introduced引起。A项 controlled控制;B项prevented预防和C项reported报道,均不符合要求。
文中“American troops(美国军队)”,可判断应选D项armies军队。A项 villagers村民;B项farmers农民和D项enemies敌人,均不合乎要求。
文中“which(关系代词,指代第二次大流感,作主语)”和“to be a killer(是一个真正的杀手)”,很明显应选B项proved证实。A项ceased终止;C项wanted想要和D 项failed失败,均不符合要求。
文中“through every country in the world”可提示我们go through是一个固定搭配,意思是:“通过,经过;经历,遭受”,很明显应选A项went通过,经过。B项got得到;C项put放和D项looked看,均不符合要求。
文中“…only a few distant islands... remaining(…只有……几个遥远的小岛依然)”,很明显选B项untouched没有碰到。A项uncounted没有数过的;C项unused 未用过的和D项unchanged没有变化的,均不符合要求。
文中“...the life...stop food(……生活……中断,食品)”和右边:“stopped and work loss(中断和失业严重)”,很明显应选B项supplies供应。A项sources资源;C项 shortage短缺和D项purchases购买,均不符合要求。
文中“...killed at(死亡)”和右边:“15 million people(1 ,500万人)”,很明显应选C项(at) least至少。A项(at) last最后;B项(at) most至多和D项(at) all全然;究竟,均不符合要求。
文中“It is thus that.... ”It是形式主语,由that引出的从句作实际主语。在从句中,influenza(流感),a terrible infection(可怕的传染病),pay more attention(更加注意)。参照四个选项:A项strange奇怪;B项impossible不可能;C项clear显而易见;D项 wise聪明,很明显应选C项。
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