共用题干 Alcoholism1 .Yes,alcoholism can be

免费题库2022-08-02  9

问题 共用题干Alcoholism
1 .Yes,alcoholism can be treated. Alcoholism treatment programs use both counseling and medication(药物治疗)to help a person stop drinking. Most alcoholics need help to recover from their disease. With support and treatment,many people are able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives.
2. A range of medication is used to treat alcoholism. Benzodiazepines(苯二氮平类药物) are sometimes used during the first days after a person stops drinking to help him or her safely withdraw from alcohol. However,these medications are not used beyond the first few days because they may be highly addictive. Other medications help people remain sober(清醒). One medication used for this purpose is naltrexone(环丙甲经二经吗啡酮) . When combined with counseling,naltrexone can reduce the strong desire for alcohol and help prevent a person from returning to heavy drinking. Another medication, disulfiram(戒酒硫),discourages drinking by making the person feel sick if he or she drinks alcohol. Though several medications help treat alcoholism,there is no“magic bullet”.Developing new and more effective medications to treat alcoholism remains a high priority for researchers.
3 .Alcoholism treatment works for many people. But just like any chronic disease,there are different levels of success in treatment.Some people stop drinking and remain sober. Others cannot stop drinking for any length of time. With treatment,one thing is clear,however,the longer a person stops drinking alcohol,the more likely he or she will be able to stay sober.
4 .No,alcoholism cannot be cured at this time. Even if an alcoholic hasn't been drinking for a long time,he or she can still return to the drinking habit.To guard against it,an alcoholic must continue to avoid all alcoholic drinks.Medication can help some people______.A: stay confusedB: alcoholic drinksC: medical treatmentD: feel sickE: in every personF: stop drinking

选项 Medication can help some people______.
A: stay confused
B: alcoholic drinks
C: medical treatment
D: feel sick
E: in every person
F: stop drinking

答案 F

解析 第一段的第一句为主旨句:“酗酒可以被治疗了。”以此判断F项Can Alco-holism Be Treated? (酗酒可以被治疗吗?)正确。要注意的是,C项中的cure是治愈的意思,第一段还没有提及治疗效果,所以此题不能选C。
第二段的第一句为主旨句:“治疗酗酒的用药范围很广泛。”由此可见此段主要在说medication(药物治疗),所以What Medications Treat Alcoholism? 正确。故选A。
第三段的第一句:“酗酒治疗对很多人管用。”这与D项是相呼应的,D项 Does Alcoholism Treatment Work?(酗酒治疗管用吗?)很适合来概括此段。故选D。
题干意为“戒酒硫可以通过使嗜酒者……来不喝酒。”disulfiram是关键字,文中第二段倒数第三句“Another medication, disulfiram(戒酒硫),discourages drinking by making the person feel sick if he or she drinks alcohol.”给出了本题的答案,feel sick。故选D。
题干意为“酗酒治疗,没有一种药可以保证……。”第二段最后两句“Though several medications help treat alcoholism, there is no ‘magic bullet'... ”, magic bullet是俚语,为灵丹妙药的意思。这说明没有一种药可以对个人酗酒药到病除,而科学家们还需开发更有效的新药。所以此题选E。
题干意为“治愈酗酒的关键是避免……。”文章最后一句给出了治疗酗酒的关键:“To guard against it, an alcoholic must continue to avoid all alcoholic drinks.”不再接触酒精饮料是戒酒的关键。所以此题选B。
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