He shifted his position a little in orde

最全题库2022-08-02  13

问题 He shifted his position a little in order to alleviate the pain in his leg.A:controlB: easeC: experienceD: suffer

选项 A:control
B: ease
C: experience
D: suffer

答案 B

解析 题干意为“他稍微换了个姿势,以减轻腿部的疼痛。”句中划线词意为减轻,缓和。B项ease意为缓解,减少;例句:The pain began to ease up after she was given a sedative.给她吃了一片镇痛药后,她的疼痛开始减轻。A项意为控制,管理;C项意为经验,体验;D项意为受痛苦;故选B。
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