The little girlgrasped her mother's han

最全题库2022-08-02  10

问题 The little girlgrasped her mother's hand as she crossed the street.A: understoodB: had a hold over C: took hold ofD: left hold of

选项 A: understood
B: had a hold over
C: took hold of
D: left hold of

答案 C

解析 句意:过马路时,这个小女孩抓住她妈妈的手。句中的grasp意为“抓住”。 C . takehold of意为“抓住,控制住”,与grasp意思相近;A. understand意为“懂得,理解”。grasp也有“懂得”的意思,但在该句中不是这个意思;B . have a hold over意为“控制,对……有影响”; D. leave hold of意为“放开”。
本试题收录于: 理工A题库理工类分类
