Write an essay based on the following ch

考试题库2022-08-02  75

问题 Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing,you should linterpret the chart,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.



解析 The chart shows that when choosing online courses./19%citizens pick career training course.s.24%citizens decide to learn useful extracurricular knowledge,18%seek afier-class instruction and 6%choose other courses.Only 3%citizen.s take literature and art courses.Hence we can see,citizens mosLly take online courses to imIJrove skills and supplement their knowledge.This suggesis that in this era of knowleclge explosion.the traditional rormai schooiing is inadequate,and more convenient and flexible online education woulcl be a good complement.This phenomenon also reflects citizcns'limiied mindset with regard to online courses-thcy mostly perceive online courses as an investment or a commocliiy and seek immecliaLe returns,so they focus more on career training ancl extracurricular instructions in funclamental eclucation,noi realizing that online courses can also provide an insight into culture zind art that grcatly benefits inclividuals'long-term clcvelopment.As the online cducaiion represents the future of education.instcacl of diminishing online courses into the funciional"online training",we.should use them to access to culture ancl arr,and thus cultivate our mind.Only by doing so.can we reach a comprehensive cevclopment.
