Text l For more than two centuries,many

资格题库2022-08-02  41

问题 Text l For more than two centuries,many people have tr/ed to shake that peculiar branch of the tree of knowledge called economics.Perhaps no one has done it better than Richard Thaler,a University of Chicago professor who has challenged the traditional idea that free markets reflect the self-interests of rational individuals.On Oct.9 he was awarded the 2017 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for recognizing that human behavior is very complex.Economic models cannot be easily simplified and must be"more human"by admitting that theories based on sel{-interest are not always correct.Indeed,the field of economics has long been overdue for a humility check.Mr.Thaler showed his own lack of arrogance in his response to the question of how he would spend the$1.1 million that comes with the Nobel Prize:"I will try to spend it as irrationally as possible."In other fields of knowledge,the fact that people do not always act in their own self-interest is pretty obvious.Yet most economists still rely on Adam Smith's 18th-century notion of markets being guided by"the invisible hand"of forces driven by people seeking their own well-being.What is often overlooked is that Smith himself was more complex.He also took a noble view of human behavior.He wrote:"How selfish soever man may be supposed,there are evidently some principles in his nature,which interest him in the fortune of others,and render their happiness necessary to him,though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it."Thaler's work largely focuses on why humans often do things contrary to their own good,such as not saving money for retirement.His theories have created a whole new field called behavioral economics,which looks for ways that either governments or companies can,by using suggestions and positive reinforcement,"nudge"people to take action in their long-term interests.Even this new field is subject to a similar critique.Can governments and corporate officials operate any more rationally in trying to"nudge"people whom they deem too irrational?Scholars Richard Reeves and Dimitrios Halikias argue that trying to influence people's actions is the wrong approach.They suggest that society and its economy are best developed through sel{-effective attributes of character,not paternalistic nudges to change behavior.A humane society,they write,"is one in which men and women possess the discipline,self-command and personal autonomy needed to live with a sense of purpose and direction."Unlike other Nobel Prizes,the one for economics has been given only since 1969.The field remains fluid in its theories.Perhaps a future prize can go to an economist who can take Thaler's ideas even further and show how prosperity relies on traits of character in a society.Models of economics are best built on models of thought.The word"nudge"(Line 4,Para.4)is closest in meaning to_____.A.encourageB.forceC.educateD.forbid

选项 A.encourage

答案 A

解析 [信息锁定]考查词所在句指出:萨勒创建了全新领域“行为经济学”,致力于寻找方法、使政府或公司能够通过使用建议和积极强化.nudge人们为其长期利益采取行动。第五段则指出Richard Reeves等对此批评:试图影响他人行为是错误的(社会和经济靠的是性格中的“自我有效屈性”,而不是“家长式nudge”)。可见:nudge指的是“通过建议或正向强化等,来努力影响改变他人行为”,A.encourage能体现这一含义.为正确项。[解题技巧]B.force、C.educate符合所考词“促使人们产生某种行为”的大方向,但B.体现的“强制性”与suggcstions and positive reinforcement,influence、paternalistic等所限的“劝导、影响、鼓励性”不符,C.体现的“正式性”也与这些线索整体体现的“多重引导、潜移默化性”不符。D.forbid(禁止)则与所考词方向完全相反。
