It might seem a great time for indie cin

题库2022-08-02  3

问题 It might seem a great time for indie cinema.(1)Manchester by the Sea,a contender for six Oscars,including best picture,was a darling of the Sundance Film Festival last year.Kenneth Lonergan's masterpiece about family and loss has earned 46m in cinemas in america and Canada,a spectacular return on its production costs of$8.5m.Amazon,which bought distribution rights,will benefit(2)The Break-In",a horror film shot by Justin Escher on his girlfriend's iPhone for less than 20,has earned him more than s 20 000,with more than half a million people having watched at least part of it on Amazons streaming-video pla Atform For every success story,there are thousands of indie films that go unwatched.(3)Chris Moore,a producer of"Manchester by the Sea",compares the output indie films now to trees falling in the forest."Nobody is making a dollar off this business,he says o Mr.Moore may be dramatising but only a little.(4)Since 2002.the median return on investment at the box office for films released in North America with budgets of less than 10m has been 45 cents on the dollar,which is under half the median return of films with a budget of more than$100m according to an analysis of data collected by The Numbers,a film-indus-try website.There are also more flops than ever before.In 2016,almost two-thirds of the 675 films that reported box office results earned less than s 1m.In 2002,only half of the total released failed to reach that figure One problem is that fewer people are going to cinemas.Howard Cohen of roadside Attractions which distributed“Manchester by the Sea”,worms about the young,smartphone-addicted generation lat has grown up without the cinema-going habit.When they do flock to the cinema it is for blockbustaers.Another problem is that the DVD market has crashed.Sales and rentals of films in all physical for mats in America plummeted from$25bn in 2005 to s 12bn last year,according to The Numbers(5)Consumers are using Netflix and sites like it instead,where they dispensed a to$6.2bn in America last year.Netflix and Amazon have injected cash into some of the best indie films,but their effect for lesser titles is likely to be mixed.Amazon allows filmmakers to upload titles directly to its platform to be discovered as"The Break-In"was.But most minor films disappear online,since a viewer can scroll through only so many options.Even the streaming sites themselves,says Anne Thompson of Indie Wire a website,admit that a cold start on one of their platforms can be very cold indeed2选?A.Indie Film is not about community or the culture-it is more about business and success than ever beforeB.Indie films have always been a risky bet for investorsC.The digital age has made it easier than ever to make a film,but also harder than ever to break through the clutter of entertainment options to an audienceD.Movie buffs can find all manner of films online that are made more cheaply stillE.Such ancillary income has in the past made a big difference in getting an indie film to break evenF.The Academy Awards on February 26th will be something of a showcase for films not financed by a major studio.G.Without much fanfare,a handful of small-budget films have been steadily drawing audiences

选项 A.Indie Film is not about community or the culture-it is more about business and success than ever before
B.Indie films have always been a risky bet for investors
C.The digital age has made it easier than ever to make a film,but also harder than ever to break through the clutter of entertainment options to an audience
D.Movie buffs can find all manner of films online that are made more cheaply still
E.Such ancillary income has in the past made a big difference in getting an indie film to break even
F.The Academy Awards on February 26th will be something of a showcase for films not financed by a major studio.
G.Without much fanfare,a handful of small-budget films have been steadily drawing audiences

答案 D

解析 空格下文指出,小电影《非法入侵》成本不到20美元,却获利2万多美元,有超过50万人在亚马逊流媒体视频平台上至少观看了其中的一部分片段。由此可知,空格处内容应关于低成本电影。[D]内容为,电影迷们可以在网上找到各种类型的低成本电影,该句与下文衔接自然,故为答案
