When you're promoted to a new job,chere
When you're promoted to a new job,chere
When you're promoted to a new job,chere are a lot of relationships that need recalibrating.You have a new boss,new direct reports,and,important.ly,a new set of peers.How can you show you have what it takes to be their equal wilhout appearing arrogant?How do you break out of the mentee/mentor dynamic?And what should you do abouL that one colleague who doesn't take you seriously?1.Congratulations on your promotion-now you need to prove you're worthy of it in the eyes of those who have known you as an underling."Any time you change your role or you get promoted,there's a change in the rules of engagement,"says Amy Jen Su,managing part.ner of Paravis Partners and coauthor of own the Room.She recommends staying focused on the long term.Your peer group"represents a potentially powerful coalition,"she says."They are your sounding boards and sources of support."Michael Watkins,the chairman of Genesis Advisers,a professor at IMD says"You need to fundamentally reset how people see you."2."It's understandable that you may feel vulnerable and insecure,"around your new peers-especially at first,says Watkins."You are stepping up to the big leagues."You may even suffer from a touch of imposter syndrome.But you mustn't let self-doubc get the better of you.And don't assume the worst.It's highly likely that these people"weighed in on your promotion"and believe you are up to the task,adds Jen Su."They see you as qualified and capable and ready for the job."Try not to get consumed by actively"tiying to prove yourself"to your new peer group,she says.3.Be confident-but not overconfident.Othewise you risk being seen as"too big for your boots,"says Watkins.Think about"how you want to be.perceived"by your peers,and"how they will form opinions"of you,says Wackins.Go in with a collaborative mindset."You want to be viewed as a person can work with,"he says.Your goal is to demonstrace that"you're someone with a depth of knowledge but who also wants to learn and help."Project competence."Show conviction;"but be humble about it."Don't,be deferential;be appropriately respectful."4.When you're the new kid on the block,it's"incumbent on you"to reach out to your colleagues and try to get to know them,says Watkins.Upon starting the job,he recommends scheduling"a series of one-on-ones"with your new peers and talk abouc how you will best work together going fonvard."These conversations needn't be confined to conference rooms or cubicles,adds Jen Su.She suggests inviting them out for coffee or lunch-"there's huge value to spending informal time with your colleagues batting ideas around."Your objective is to become a"good thought partner"to your peers."Seek to understand their perspectives,"she says."Ask for their input-not because you need t.heir permission,but because you appreciate their counsel."5.Recasting your professional persona takes time and your colleagues'opinions of you may not shift ovemight.Be preparecl,too,that cerlain Tough cookies on your team might try to test your mettle.whaTever you do,"don't take it personally,"says Jen Su."The more you let this person get under your skin,the more they will poke you."Watkins recommends"cultivating a Thick skin and setting boundaries"of what are you and aren't willing to do."Otherwise you risk getting run over."It's also important that you not lose sight of the relationships that matter most."What your peers think about you is important,but what your boss thinks about you is very important."4选?A.Be patientB.Build bridges.C.Project professionalism.D.Think positively.E.Tread lightly at first.F.Understand team dynamics.G.What the experts say.
A.Be patient
B.Build bridges.
C.Project professionalism.
D.Think positively.
E.Tread lightly at first.
F.Understand team dynamics.
G.What the experts say.
这段的建议主要指出,如果你是新人,要主动联系你的同事,并试着去了解他们。由此可知,这个建议是要和同事打好关系。故[B]Build bridges为正确答案。
A.分泌功能亢进为主的慢性腹泻 B.运动功能亢进为主的慢性腹泻 C.混合性原
海啸的预防措施主要有()。A.认真学习海啸形成和出现征兆的有关知识 B.听到地
对于计数资料,可选用哪种统计图形A.条图 B.散点图 C.直方图 D.线图
项目财务内部控制的重点是()。A:工程价款支付控制 B:竣工财务决算控制