Americans of a"certain age"abound at the

题库2022-08-02  50

问题 Americans of a"certain age"abound at the upper levels of American governance.President Trump is the most obvious example.Just over half of US senators wrll be 65 0r older by the end of this year.On the Supreme Court,five of rtine justices are over 65.These"senior citizens"make crucial decisions for the majority of Americans younger than them.Just eight decades ago,when the Social Security system began,65 was codified as the start of"old age".Now many people of that age may feel in the prime of life.Measured by years alone,Americans are on average getting older.A popular notion is that a war is brewing between generations-young working Americans resenting that they must pay more into SociaJ Security and Medicare to support an expanding group of older Americans.There's truth in that sentiment.I,ast year,there were 25 people over 65 for every 100 people between 18 and 64.And the worker-to-retiree ratio is projected to be even worse by 2030.But that idea is being challenged.To begin with,programs like Social Security and Medicare can be adjusted,as ihey have in the past.while certain trends,such as Americans delaying full retirement,could alter the projections.A pair of new government reports show that funding for Medicare will run out in 2026.The Social Security trust fund will dry up by 2034.Despite these warnings,modest fixes are available,including making small changes in the age of eligibility that recognize lengthening life spans.Even that step may not be needed.By one estimate,increasing the Social Security payroll tax by 2.88 percentage points could eliminate the expected revenue shortfall for another three-quarters of a century.But actuarial tables,however useful for government planning,shouldn't impose artificial limits on what older Americans do.Aging isn't what it used to be.Today,75-year-olds on average will live just as many additional years as the average 65-year-old did in 1952.Categorizing by age can be just as harmful as by gender or race.Labeling people by an age category is a receiit phenomenon.The idea of being"middle aged"wasn't popularized until after World War I.Marketing continues to classify Americans by calendar years,walling off the beneficial effects of older and younger people rubbing shoulders.Companies are beginning to consider age diversity to be as important as racial and gender diversity.Some observers suggest businesses try the"shoe test":Look under desks.If everyone's wearing the same kind of shoes-whether wingtips or slipper-the business would benefit from more diversity.Today,suggests one expert,Americans have an opportunity to make a"fresh map of life itself",throwing off outworn ideas about aging.Policies that encourage older Americans to expand the possibilities of their"senior years"will help change limited perceptions and benefit all of society.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A.Shock of gray:how we can fill the pension gap.B.Shifting views of seniors:less burden,more asset.C.An aging society:challenges,as well as opportunities.D.Young Americans:how to make a fresh map of life?

选项 A.Shock of gray:how we can fill the pension gap.
B.Shifting views of seniors:less burden,more asset.
C.An aging society:challenges,as well as opportunities.
D.Young Americans:how to make a fresh map of life?

答案 B

解析 文章首段先提出现象“年长者在发挥着重要作用”。第二、三段反驳流行看法,指出“老年人不会成为年轻人的负担”。第四、五段进一步指出“对人们贴以年龄标签有害,公司应注重年龄多样化、积极雇佣年长者,并从中受益”。最后一段总结指出”我们应抛弃关于年龄的旧有看法”。可见本文论述重点为“改变对年长者的看法”,将其视为“财富”而非“负担”.B.为恰当标题。[解题技巧]A.与第三段内容相符,但无力涵盖全篇。C.偏离文章论述重点:虽然文中提到老龄化社会带来的挑战和机遇,但论述重点在于:“否定”老龄化社会所带来的“挑战”,“强调”年长者的“作用”,两者并非并列关系。D.利用末段首句make a“fresh map of life itself”设置干扰,但文章的重点在于“劝告人们重新绘制生命之图(抛弃对年龄的旧有看法)”而非“教导年轻人如何绘制生命之图”。
