
最全题库2022-08-02  55

问题   国庆节常回家,那个黄河边上的乡村,开小汽车的乡亲开始多见,虽然他们穿衣打扮还没有太多的改变,但当我看到他们开上价值20多万的汽车时,我很是欣喜。  但欣喜似乎很快止于一次街头的聊天,乡亲告诉了我这里发生的两件事。首先是旁边村子里一个人被同村的三兄弟杀死在家中,事情起源于土地租赁,因为租金高低的纠纷,欲强租土地的人找人把不愿意接受租金价位的人打了,还发出狠话,打死也就是几万块钱的事,于是被打的一方三兄弟联合起来,有了这一命案,四个家庭随之破碎。还有一个发生在我们村里,收割玉米的乡亲欲从邻居家地上开车通过,邻居老太太心疼庄稼不许,争吵中躺在自家田头说:要过,就从身上轧过。于是车轰鸣着,轧过老人,陪了几万块私了。  儿时的乡村,是可以夜不闭户的。放学回家,有时家中无人,邻居大婶总是招呼到他们家,坐在饭桌前,一切都是那么自然。农忙时,家里农活忙碌,邀邻居来帮,只需吃顿简单的饭,聊聊天。现在这里,生活的认知和价值观已经发生了很大的改变。我们都知道,国家在大力发展农村经济,我也期待家乡环境的改善,也相信很快就会有大的变化,但乡村的这些事也让我思考,我们是否应该在文化价值观方面,做出相应的指点和引导呢。



解析 I returned to my hometown during the National Day holiday. In the village on the Yellow River, I saw more and more people driving cars. Although their appearance has not changed much, I was excited to see them own cars that cost over 200,000 yuan.
  However, my excitement disappeared when I learned about two incidents during a chat on the street. The first one happened in the neighbouring village, where a man was killed in his home by three bothers from the same village. The story began with a dispute over the land rents. A local bully wanted lease land from a villager, but the owner was unwilling to accept the low price offered. So the bully hired someone to beat up the owner and threatened that killing him was nothing but a couple of ten thousand yuan. The enraged victim then garnered the support from his two brothers. Hence the murder, and four shattered families. The second incident took place in my own village. One of our village folks needed to drive through the adjacent field to harvest corn. The neighbour, an old granny, refused as that would crush her crops. As the argument escalated into a quarrel, the old lady lay down on the ground and challenged: “If you want to pass, drive over my body!” And so did the driver. The case was settled for a couple of ten thousand yuan.
  While I was young, the village was so safe that we need not shut the doors at night. When I came back from school and there was no one home, the aunty next door would always invite me to her place for a meal. Everything seemed so natural. During the harvest season, when we asked our neighbours for help, the return was only a simple meal accompanied by a hearty chat. Now, life and values in the village have undergone tremendous changes. We all know that our government is developing the rural areas in full force. And I am looking forward to a better life in my home town. But the incidents set me thinking: Should we do more to preserve the traditional values when times are changing?
